
Favorite Movies

Over the passed Holiday Season I had tons of beanie orders which meant I had a lot of time to sit and keep my hands busy. But I can't just sit there in quiet so there were a couple of movies that became my fall backs whenever I needed some noise in the background {this is a practice that I came REALLY familiar with while in school. Anyone in a project major knows what I'm talking about}. It couldn't be a movie I hadn't seen because I would just sit and watch it instead of working on my projects.

The movies that became my crocheting background noise this past Holiday Season were:

The Holiday

Kate & Leopold

Music and Lyrics


Now I need some different movies to have as my background noise. What are those movies you put in when you just want some noise while you work on projects?


1 Thoughts:

Adam and Dev said...

I like all those movies. So how are you liking your new place? We will miss you in the ward!

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