Minnetonka Cave
We had a lot of plans for this last weekend but non of them worked out so on Friday night Paul suggested that we go up to the Minnetonka Caves up by Bear Lake. It was a lot of fun to take a day trip and get away. The good news about taking a leisurely day trip is that it didn't matter that the map quest directions that we printed off were wrong. We just backtracked and asked for some directions. When we got to the cave the next available tour was at 4 o'clock and it was only 2. Of course it was raining so we made ourselves a sandwich in the car and took a nap. It was a fun little tour and just nice to get out for a bit.
When we finally made it down the mountain we kept waiting for our phones to get service so we could see if anyone had sent us any news about our sister-in-law and the baby, she was being induced at 11:30. Since we didn't have any messages Paul called his mom to see how things were going. As it turns out it was not until 11:30 p.m. not 11:30 a.m.
Just about ever weekend since school has been out we have been down in SLC for different things. This weekend we had decided that we were going to stay at home and be able to see the new baby and sister-in-law next weekend when we come down. I think Paul saw the excitement in my face when we realized that we had not missed anything. When put together with other things that were happening over the weekend we still ended up down there.
Just about ever weekend since school has been out we have been down in SLC for different things. This weekend we had decided that we were going to stay at home and be able to see the new baby and sister-in-law next weekend when we come down. I think Paul saw the excitement in my face when we realized that we had not missed anything. When put together with other things that were happening over the weekend we still ended up down there.
We got to the Hospital at about 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning and visited for a while. My parents house was pretty close so we decided to head over there after a bit and get some sleep. Since it was Fathers day on Sunday everyone came over, half of the family lives there and the others do not want to miss out on my mom's Sunday roast, so it does not usually take a special occasion to find everyone there on a Sunday. We were also celebrating our nephews birthday so he opened his presents before dinner. He was so excited that his mom got him a jersey outfit he practically jumped out of his clothes to get changed.
Happy Fathers Day
he and his sister wanted a turn to go out on it.
Right after dinner Paul got a text from his brother saying that the baby was born. I'm not one that likes to push my way in or hover over people so we left about a half hour later hoping that we would miss the crowd. By the time we got there most everyone had cleared out so Paul and I got to hold her for a long time. Then the nurses took the baby to bath her and so they could move the mom into another room. It was nice to be able to stay and visit for a bit, we did not get out of there until 10:00. Our wonderful Sister-in-law let us just hangout and visit with them even though I was sure she was so tired. I think it was really fun for Paul and his brother to be able to spend some time together too.
As we were leaving there was a page for an LDS Elder, it was a little bit confusing trying to figure out what was going on but Paul was the only one who answered, they asked him to go back up to the Women's Center for a blessing.
Being so late by the time we got out of there we decided to spend the night at my parents again. I, of course, was fine with this because that meant we would pass by the hospital on our way home and we could stop and see the baby again and her mom and dad. I LOVE being an aunt. We couldn't help ourselves so we stopped at Wal-mart and got some balloons and a little stuffed animal, as well as a soda and some treats for the new parents. Pauls brother seemed especially excited about the Mt. Dew.
4 Thoughts:
Wow, Minnetonka cave looks really cool.
I LOVE the baby! She's adorable! I wish all the babies in my family lived closer.
Your nephew was way cute in his jersey! LOVE it.
Quite the busy weekend! :) I have always wanted to go into that Minnetonka cave. We were going to last time we were up there, but we didn't get to it. Congratulations on the baby! She is so beautiful :)
Mindy! How are you?!? I haven't talked to you in forever! You are gorgeous as always and it looks like life is going well for you and your husband! I'm so happy for you. You live in Logan? Next time you're around I'd love to get together with you. I'm so glad I found your blog so I can keep up with what's going on in your life.
What an eventful weekend there Min. It sounds like you two really had a great time. Your new neice is very cute. Please pass my congrats to Paul on being a new Uncle, and the new parents as well. Luv ya, Sara
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